About Us

Our Pillars

1.Diversify to protect

The wide amount of excursions we offer has always been a big differentiation factor by covering vastly every place on which we work. We focus on little-known places to decongest those who are very well known and had been affected and eroded by their high population demand. Is an indirect way to conserve and very important and very transcendental on the user experience on a different kind of trip.

¿Do you help to conserve by choosing differently? Yes! The number of corners to contemplate in Patagonia is infinite, the chances of finding that WOW moment are everywhere, behind every tree. Your decisions and places you visit or stop visiting are an important way of conservation. That´s why we always are going to support new places, new routes, new operators, and new destinies.

2.To be agents for change for conscious tourism.

Tourism has environmental, socio-cultural, and economic effects. It moves and interacts inside of these three factors actively. Our purpose is to be agents for change by educating towards more responsible practices on these subjects.

To be an agent for change is an active role, persistent, and focused. The change for conscious tourism is to change toward responsible decisions, for both tourists and operators. A conscious focus allows you to value up a trip from the story, allows you to increase the capacity of wonder, allows your trip to transcend by giving purpose and teachings, and that stays on you for much longer than your trip.

3.Foment adventure as a personal growth experience.

Interaction with nature is an enormous resource of challenge and it´s challenging that pushes us to go further, going out of our comfort zone and testing our capacities, decision-making will, our head, and our mind. To visualize and maybe to integrate a better version of ourselves.

An adventure can be a transcendental experience towards personal growth. Best decisions are born from a crisis. For some people that crisis or challenge can be a half-day walk for others can be ice climbing. For some a kayak navigation down the river for others an 8-day trekking expedition. To help you to transform your trip into a life-changing and transcendental experience is one of our priorities.

4.Activation of touristic ecosystems.

When visiting a place as a tourist is very important to know that your visit is not only a money income for the operator that you are adventuring with. With your spending you will have the chance to support the little market of the community, or maybe the gas station, and more. Your visit to the local souvenir store for local handmade products and by that your visit is transformed into a whole activation of the economic ecosystem of the community.

We want to be activators of these ecosystems by generating movement around all the touristic chains of every locality that we work on, supporting local littler businesses, generating exhibitions, and promoting a collaborative spirit.

Outdoor Index/ Puerto Natales, Patagonia. Chile.