

Photographic gallery presentation: "Patagonia: Inhabiting the Immensity."

In this blog post, we will show you an exclusive photographic exhibition by Chilean photographer Pablo Valenzuela.

Pablo Valenzuela Vaillant

In physical exhibitions, these photos have only been presented in Santiago, Temuco, Puerto Varas, and now digitally on the Outdoor Index blog. It is an honor for our team and blog to have Pablo and all the other collaborators who undoubtedly see in nature and in our Chilean heritage a list of guiding values to grow as individuals and as a society.


Habitar la inmensidad


Habitar la inmensidad


Habitar la inmensidad


Habitar la inmensidad


"Chilean territory has been a source of inspiration for my photographic work for years. In it, I do not seek the grand views and landscapes. On the contrary, I seek to move away from the obvious to approach the abstract. Abandoning vastness to concentrate on the minimal.


My intention is to build a new image with the elements that the landscape and the moment provide. An image that moves away from mere documentation. A real image, certainly, but not for this reason literal. A look that does not require interventions or effects during or after the shot.


In this same aesthetic line - of few figurative elements - I developed the series Geometry of the Moment and Inhabiting the Immensity. The latter speaks precisely of how Chileans inhabit and intervene in our territory. How human scale is present in front of the vastness of the landscape that is lost in infinity."


Habitar la inmensidad


Habitar la inmensidad


Habitar la inmensidad


Habitar la inmensidad


Pablo's Biography:


"Born in Santiago in 1964, he is the creator of the concept Geometry of the Moment, which defines an aesthetic and a particular look at the Chilean landscape.


Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Universidad Católica de Chile, he has dedicated almost thirty years exclusively to his great passion: discovering, knowing, and photographing the natural and cultural heritage of Chile. This has resulted in a profound portrait of the Chilean identity, which has been widely disseminated in books and exhibitions.


His photographs show a particular vision of the landscape and nature of Chile. A look that, without effects or interventions, escapes from the obvious and approaches the abstract. A minimalist gaze that seeks in the landscape the geometry defined by space and the moment."


Habitar la inmensidad


Habitar la inmensidad


Habitar la inmensidad


Habitar la inmensidad


Outdoor Index / Travel and growth based on nature. We are a company born and operating in Puerto Natales, Magallanes. We have the widest variety of excursions in Patagonia on the market in one place. Your purchase on our platform will directly support local operators and nature conservation. To learn more about what we do, you can click here, follow us on our social networks, or contact us at

Pablo Valenzuela Vaillant


Patagonia Pablo valenzuela vaillant Photography Outdoor index

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